This is a place for creations of all kinds, aural, visual, digital, biomechanical, all that electric jazz type of combobulation.

Based in the Bay Area

- Introduction/Greetings -

Vashing! Bludges! Three all in one, combinations unbound by frocking unspakethensun! Wight! Blooded Brain Sucker! Ogre of Ungtallith, plight of the fields of freeth! These came by the roadside sickened one all in their fair due time, not to be mistaken for paths untreaded by filthed out nomads from humble origins. On this path, set ablaze eons before by them, the old, Thee TrayleBmlayererzers, stones upturned heaved out in boakloads atime and again.

You'll find the same here, ancients later and angular sidetimes adjacent to the flow. If it was to exist, manufactured again is the course, indeed. Take part apart, find within out there, and bring inside. Don't worry.